Thanks 2021

A blessed year

2 minute read

I typically not praise successes in my life, cause I believe everything I receive is a gift, and not my own accomplishments. However, this year I have so much to be grateful that I cannot avoid looking back and think to how lucky I am.

First, I got married. It took me a lot of energy to organize a wedding with so many people in Covid time. However, we managed to do that and to happily get married and do celebrations both in Italy and in Romania!

Our wedding - 10 Jul 2021

Our wedding - 10 Jul 2021

Second, we bought a house in Aarhus. This took also a considerable amount of energy to negotiate, visit, asking, but finally we bought one. Moving was also not very easy and the renovation of a old house takes a long long time. Nevertheless, I am happy that my free time goes on such a beautiful project.

The house in Åbyhøj

The house in Åbyhøj

Third, I got three big grants. One from a company to improve video search, another funded by EU in the context of Eurostars to improve the research on rare disease, and a third one, a big individual one funded by the Danish Fund for Independent Research) to continue my research on knowledge graph exploration. Looking forward to building my group and doing research in the areas I love.

Last, but not least I have been teaching the Data Mining course and published 5 research papers.