I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University.
My research focuses on graph exploration, which lays on the broad areas of database, data mining, and machine learning. In particular, I enjoy working and understanding graphs with or without labels interactively, understanding phenomena and users in a principled way.
My knowledge, my passion, my dedication comes also from the students I am (co-)supervising:
- Ama Bembua Bainson - Aarhus University - Co-supervision with Panos Karras (2023-2026, expected)
- Cheng Huang - Aarhus University - Co-supervision with Ira Assent (2023-2026, expected)
- Maximilian Egger - Aarhus University - Co-supervision with Panos Karras (2022-2026, expected)
- Kasper Overgaard Mortensen - Aarhus University - Co-supervision with Panos Karras (2023-2026, expected)
- Konstantinos Skitsas - Aarhus University - Co-supervision with Panos Karras (2022-2025, expected)
- Atefeh Moradan - Aarhus University - Co-supervision with Ira Assent (2020-2024, expected)
- Judith Franziska Hermanns - Aarhus University - Co-supervision with Panos Karras (2019-2022)
- Anton Tsitsulin - University of Bonn - Mentorship with Emmanuel Müller (2015-2021, now at Google)
News! Currently I have no open position, but I am always looking for motivated and hard-working PhD students or Postdocs to join - email me your CV and your interest in the graph analytics area to join the group!
If you are interested in internships, please look here.
Previosly, I was a Research Associate at the Center for Geoscience (GFZ) in Potsdam and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Hasso Plattner Institute, in the group of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining working with Emmanuel Müller. I got a PhD in Computer Science at the dbTrento group in the University of Trento under the supervision of Themis Palpanas and Yannis Velegrakis. During my PhD, I visited Yahoo! Labs, Barcelona and Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing.
Research interests